Previous Courses

This Isn't Our First Rodeo

We've partnered with some of the biggest names in the industry, developing courses and marketing content that has been used for years.

Educational Furniture Manufacturer

Put Your Thinking Cap On

How to design early childhood education spaces where learning takes off.

Table and Desking Manufacturer

Finding Your Why

A course on the value of starting with "Why" and ending with "What".

Room Divider Manufacturer

Privacy: Rebalancing the Office

How to bring acoustical, visual, and territorial privacy into the workspace.

Premier Tile Manufacturer

Purpose Driven Design

Why companies who prioritize purpose over profits are thriving.

Industry-Leading Rep Group

Can You Hear Me Now?

The science of sound and how acoustics are no more complicated than the ABCs.

International Furniture Manufacturer

The Office Of The Future

Emerging technology that has and will continue to revolutionize work.

International Furniture Manufacturer

Do's and Don'ts of Social Media

How social media can be a tool for great career growth or embarrassment.

Sound Booth Manufacturer

Focus In A Crowded World

The power of focus work and how to spend more time in your flow state.

Acoustic Furniture Manufacturer

How To Work From Home

A practical guide to working from home and maximizing your productivity.

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